Note: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our government said those with respiratory symptoms are to be given 5 days of medical leave. And those on medical leave are not to leave their home. If caught breaking this rule, a SGD$10K fine, up to a six-month jail term, or both.
Day 1 – 31st March

Weirdly, I woke up at 5 am with a blocked nose. I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to do a quick toilet break. As much as I wanted to sleep, I couldn’t. I ended up turning and tossing and scrolling through Facebook. Thinking the blocked nose could be an allergy reaction and it might go away.
Apparently, it didn’t. Decided to be a responsible citizen during this pandemic crisis, I went to the clinic to seek medical help. Measures were taken in place such as temperature screening and noting down who had entered the clinic premises. Markings on the floor were seen to show patients where to stand and maintain a safe distance from one another. Everyone was wearing a mask and the clinic nurses would provide masks to those who weren’t wearing one. Which I think was commendable on their part for taking all the necessary precautions.
Queued since 8:15 am and left the place at about 10:30 am. The doctor said I had the runny nose, nothing to be alarmed as I do not display any other symptoms of the covid-19 virus. Was given a 5-day medical leave and told to stay home. And so, my stay-home adventure officially begins.
Day 2 – 1st April
The alarm rang as usual at 8 am, and I got nagged by Dear for having the alarm even when I’m on medical leave. She made me shut off my repeated alarm for the next few days.

Requested for cheesy garlic scrambled egg for breakfast. Dear used bottled chopped garlic and the taste wasn’t as flavourful compared to using fresh sliced garlic. There’s still the garlic taste, but it wasn’t what I remembered and like.
Took medicine after breakfast. Did some work on the laptop before the drowsiness kicks in. Waking up to dinner where Dear made braised pork and prawn bee hoon.

Dear simmered and did the prawn broth from scratch from all the shells that she’s been accumulating whenever she add prawns into my meal. It’s yummy that I asked for a second serving despite being sick and not much appetite. But this is worth eating a second serving. And no, I wasn’t exaggerating because it’s my wife’s cooking.
Day 3 – 2nd April

Without the alarm, I woke up at about 8 am in the morning. I guess it became a habit for me to wake up at this timing because it was feed the fur kids breakfast time. Waited for Dear to be awake before I request for tomato egg for breakfast. Which she added some blueberries and an apple.

Third day being at home and already feeling a little I need the sun! Been indoors and doing nothing much other than helping out with laundry. Dear prepare emperor chicken for lunch, I got the apple sliced and pop them into the dehydrator. Making some healthier treats for myself instead of binging on potato chips.

Dear was experimenting with new recipes. Got to try some keto-friendly Madeline. She made lemon and chocolate flavoured. I would say, I prefer the lemony one as the chocolate flavoured tasted a little off in my opinion. Not as chocolatey as I would have expected.

Dinner was butadon, but I had it without rice like the way I like it. Felt as though my medical leave have been nothing but eating and sleeping. And the cycle repeats again the next day.
Day 4 – 3rd April
Woke up a little later than usual. Had brunch before I started work in the kitchen while Dear did her stuff. Her mum went out to the market to get some grocery. The next thing we know, she came back and asked Dear to accompany her to NTUC for more grocery shopping.
Got a text to ask me to tune in to the LIVE video on Facebook where PM Lee was giving a speech where he announced circuit breaker period were to start from 7th April and last till 4th May.
All companies have to shut their offices and work from home. Essential services such as supermarkets, clinics, veterinary clinics, hospitals, hawkers and restaurant can operate as usual. Except that no dine-in are allowed. We may head out to get food but as a takeaway only. Schools will shut and lessons will be online.
After the announcement, my phone has been buzzing from anxious pet owners who wish to schedule an appointment before the circuit breaker kicks in. Apparently, pet grooming are under non essential and we’re to cease operation for a month.
Dear texted to inform me that NTUC was crowded and they’re trying to get out of the mall’s carpark. They’ll be heading towards neighbourhood supermarket instead.
With the sudden announcement from the government, many started to panic and caused a frenzy all over again at the grocery stores. Most essentials and food were swept off the shelves pretty quickly.
Day 5 – 4th April
My last day of medical leave and I was still getting texts from pet owners. As I work alone and I’m left with two days to groom as many fur kids as I can. While I was settling my work, Dear made me toast from scratch.
Didn’t nap at all even after taking the drowsy medication. Was too busy and worried about work that I wanted to settle as many appointments as I could. What a way to spend my last day of medical leave. Wasn’t looking forward to the two days grooming rush.