I have been wanting to get my teeth fix. Initially, it was more for aesthetic purposes, but as time went by, it was more for better dental hygiene. With some teeth in a rotated manner and a bit of overlapping, I fear that my oral hygiene wasn’t in the best condition. The traditional braces weren’t an option that I would want to choose because of the tedious brushing and care needed. I know that I won’t be brushing properly or the right way. And having aligners will be a better choice as the brushing required seem to be more or less the same way as I’m currently doing. Yes, I did a little bit of research and did some considering of which troublesome situation I would prefer to be in.
Why did we want to consult the orthodontist instead? For more information to know what’s the difference between dentist and an orthodontist, you may find the information here.
To be honest, my first choice wasn’t Invisalign because it was quite pricey and over my budget. I was considering Zenyum, however, after trying twice after submitting the required documents to proceed, I was rejected because my case was too complex for their technology. With the two rejections, I went ahead with Invisalign and booked an appointment with an orthodontist, Dr Jessica from Royce Dental.
I’ve had bad experiences with dentists since primary school and visiting the dental clinic has always been my nightmare. I get anxious and nervous the entire session and always hope to have a nicer friendlier doctor during my visit. And yes, I was feeling the jitters the day of my visit when I had my consultation with Dr Jessica. Thankfully, my experience was pleasant.

We did some scans, photo taking, and X-rays. I found out that I have an overbite. My lower jaw was much inwards and my upper jaw was trying to compensate a little by making my jaw look as normal as possible. In fact, my lower jaw’s front teeth are touching the upper gums behind the teeth. Which in the long run isn’t good for the gums. And I am thankful I’ve decided to go for the consultation and get to know my condition better. There wasn’t any hard selling, Dr Jessica did ask if I would want to go ahead with having Invisalign treatment. I could have said no, but I said yes and scheduled for the next appointments.

I’m quite amazed with the new technology as it could show me how my teeth and jaw would look like after the treatment. And I’m already looking forward to it. But first, the thing I needed to do was remove my two upper wisdom teeth. I’ve already made another appointment for the teeth removal and getting my first set of aligners. Will be updating again in October on my next appointment’s experience.