What’s neighbourhood shopping?
Neighborhood shopping is probably the term that only we use, which is to describe us wanting to explore the possible areas that we want our future home to be at. It is like shopping for clothes where we would visit many boutique shops before purchasing something we like. In this case, the neighborhood.
How neighbourhood shopping came about?
It started when Dear wasn’t sure if we will like the neighborhood when we move. So I suggested visiting the possible neighborhoods that we both like and are considering. And from there, we both called it neighborhood shopping. Not only do we want to like the house, but we also hope to like the neighborhood too since it’ll be our first home and we’re unsure how long we’ll be staying there.
Neighborhood shopping allows us to explore the places as well. It’s like allowing us to know what’s in the area such as coffee shops or small supermarkets. Who knows what we’ll find, maybe a hidden gem somewhere.
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10

Visited Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, near Teck Ghee Community Center after dropping off some food for my in-law’s friend. The atmosphere and feel were quite relaxing and peaceful despite the bustling shops around the area. It’s within walking distance to Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park. And I believe if you’re OK with it, you could even walk towards Bishan MRT or Bishan Junction 8 as part of your exercise regime.
After exploring the place, we took the park connector route right underneath the MRT track towards Jubilee’s direction. We planned to walk towards Mayflower after we run some personal errands. Quite like the walk under the MRT track and it got me thinking that it’ll be a nice place to walk the fur kids during rainy days. It’s sheltered and the distance is enough for small dogs to have their daily walk. And we could use the same sheltered walk to head over to the MRT station or to AMK Hub and bus interchange.

We strolled over to the Mayflower MRT area from Ang Mo Kio Central. It was a nice walk, we walked through a few different neighborhoods and experienced the vibe around. Dear get to reminisce some fond memories of hers during her secondary school days.
We both agreed that we like the Mayflower area. It has that silver zone vibe, peace, and quiet which is what we both like for a neighborhood. We didn’t like the crowded and noisy neighborhood that the younger areas gave us. Despite the slightly out of the way from Ang Mo Kio Central, with the Mayflower MRT that might be opening soon, it might be quite accessible in the near future.
Bishan AMK Park

The Mayflower area that Dear brought me to, it’s walking distance towards Bishan AMK Park. We walked towards it and enjoyed how nice and relaxing the park was. People minding their own business. Lots of dog owners strolling with their four-legged fur kids. It’s quite peaceful yet a little crowded that day.
We took a seat by the bench next to the pond. Watched some chickens walking around. And we both realized this is the kind of place we’re looking for to live in. We’re not sure if there are any flats available for sale next year, keeping our fingers crossed.
Heading Home
After a rest and drinking water to keep ourselves hydrated, we decided it’s time to head back home. But of course, I don’t have the energy to walk back and thus we waited for the bus at the nearby bus stop next to Mayflower MRT.
And yes, I got really hungry after we boarded the bus. Thankful that we didn’t walk back because I won’t know how we’ll manage it with my hungry tummy growling.